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Spaceship TFSC – EP 4 “The Dark Spaceship”

All dark in the spaceship; not only outside! But what happened? Are the pirates to blame? And why do we hear a girly scream? Well lets go back some hours!

How the drama started!

The two captains are still somehow in their “meeting” as they hear a girly scream! Colifused first thought “Oh god what did Betty or Sadie do?” That moment a totally confused person runs in the bar erm “meeting room”! It is Justin! “Oh my god I saw people of the parallel universe! At least they said they are from there! I swear they look like us!” Colifused reacts fast! “Hey mr other captain which I forgot the name, call the bridge fast! Emergency!” Captain Tom has no clue what to do. He thinks about what to do… Hmm what about. Yes! Tom empties all the leftover beer bottles and burps loudly. Even the bridge hears this “alert”! JB and Sadie realize it isn’t a burp by Colifused. They look at eachother, shrug and decide to press the alert button!
The entire officers crew run to the bridge. There they listen to Justin! Yes the people of the parallel have eyes and see everything! But what do they want from the crew? What will they do with the ship?

On The Bridge

Colifused isn’t sure how the people of the parallel can be found. To think about such important things, he has to sit down on the captains couch. The moment he wants to sit down Sadie yells “NOOOOO” Colifused turns around and looks down. Charley “works” there. No one is able or better said is too scared to wake her up. She can be, lets say diplomatic, very harsh when someone wakes her up during her “work shift”. The captain looks at the crew, says “Someone should try to wake her up. Maybe you Ashley?” Ashley shakes his head “Get over it and do whatever you want to do somewhere else. I don’t have time for this!”
Captain Tom opens his mouth, want to say something smart but he can’t. He only points at a place just through the door! There are the people of the parallel. Everyone looks that direction and see the parallel crew! Marky is totally excited to see himself “Finally someone here who is able to drink as much as me!” He runs over to parallel Marky. “Let’s go to the bar, you pay the bill brother!”

But Why Is It Dark?

The two Markys have started a big party in the bar. They really try to drink everything. Weirdly they haven’t noticed the C of A’s here. Both yell “Stop it now! You will destroy the entire universe!” Marky starts to laugh “How do you know it? No one knows anything! Except me, I know this bottle overthere is for me!” C shakes her head, concentrate and focus on the bottle. The beer starts to boil! Both Markys are shocked, run around “A witch! A witch!! Heeeeelp!” That was the mistake! Betty jumps in and try to burn the Markys! “You never ever call a lady a witch! Burn you crazy drunk wanna be pirates!” She chases Marky and Marky, throws everything she can grab at them and bam hit the main power line. Everywhere there is a firework, we hear bam, bam and BAM. The lights are out! The people of the parallel try to get away here. They make it back to their universe. Why they were here? No one knows!
Colifused demands this has to be fixed very fast! In the meantime Sadie should tell Betty how to grow up and don’t try to burn everything and everyone!

What Will Happen Next Time?

As the author (Colifused) knows that. Do you really believe he knows a week earlier what he will write next time? Really? You crack me up if so! Ok, lets try it! There will be a planet, the ship and maybe some new crew members. Oh and people on the planet! Read you next week!

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