Spaceship TFSC – EP 10 “New Year! New Chances”
Colifused and Ian discuss if they should have New Year resolutions. Maybe drinking less? haha good joke! Maybe stop partying? …
Every day, our dear friend Colifused surprises us with his mad stories over the Twitter realm. Crazy mixes of band names, and song titles, that somehow make sense (or not).
Since these Colifused stories are highly demanded, Oli has decided to give us an expanded dose of mad indie music literature in a weekly manner.
Colifused and Ian discuss if they should have New Year resolutions. Maybe drinking less? haha good joke! Maybe stop partying? …
It was a bit quiet here. Trust me not a lot to tell you. Spaceship TFSC travelled through the dark …
“Logbook entry by the Captain… The writer of those episodes promised me and the crew for weeks now, we could …
It seems like we finally fixed all the problems on the spaceship, revolution is history and everyone do what they …
All dark in the spaceship; not only outside! But what happened? Are the pirates to blame? And why do we …
You might remember last EP.. Ian and Colifused had to sober up after their ummm lets say “Captains meeting”. Somehow …
It is midnight, no clue what day and actually no clue what time it is. But hey we are in …